Monday, February 25, 2013

PMS Cookies

When I originally found this recipe, they were titled PMS cookies. And while I have to say they would definitely do the trick for PMS, I dont think they should be "that time of the month" cookies, I think they should be "ANY time of the month cookies" because I could eat them all day every day.  And these cookies definitely aren't gender biased because I promise that EVERYONE, male or female, will love them.

And believe it or not I haven't even gotten to the best part yet. In total, this recipe only cost me around 5 dollahs. Talk about wonderful. Super simple, super inexpensive, and super delicious. Doesn't get much better than that.

The only special instructions for assembly is that preparing all of the cookies, one half at a time is the easiest way to get these cookies to come together nicely. You may be thinking this is a very obvious statement, but I promise had I not advised you otherwise you would have spent quite a bit of time struggling to spread mallow fluff on top of peanut butter. From personal experience, that does NOT work. At all. So save yourself some time and prepare all at once before smashing together.

Speaking of ease, the chocolate dipping is probably the least easy part. It gets messy, but the best way I've found is to dunk the cookies rotate them with your (squeaky clean of course) hands before pulling them out and quickly transferring to a sheet of parchment paper. Warning though, the chocolate can be very hot. Feel free to allow it to cool a bit after it melts (this would be advised actually), you'll still have plenty of time to dunk the mallow-pb-cracker-combos before the chocolate hardens again.

And voila! I'm regretting that I didn't get a prettier picture of these, but honestly this is one cookie where aesthetics don't matter, because they taste phenomenal either way. Allow the cookies to cool and harden, then feel free to indulge. It's also good to know that they taste even better when you freeze them. So stock up, they could last you quite a while (or they won't if you live in a house with 5 other women). In any case, enjoy the recipe below.

about 2 sleeves ritz crackers (or great value "buttery rounds")
1/2 cup Marshmallow Fluff
1 cup peanut butter
1 package almond bark

Spread Marshmallow Fluff and peanut butter between two crackers and dip in melted almond bark. Lay finished cookies on parchment paper to cool. Store at room temperature (acceptable), in the fridge (a little better) or in the freezer (phenomenal-- and highly recommended).

Nomnomnom til next time. 

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